
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

BizTalk Server 2006 Installation and Upgrade Guides


When installing/upgrading to BizTalk Server 2006, consider the following valuable guides: BizTalk Server 2006 Installation and Upgrade Guides


Monday, June 26, 2006

BizTalk 2004 SDK Refresh


If it happens that you are walking through some tutorial provided with the BizTalk 2004 help, and you notice that one of the sample files that are referenced in the tutorial is missing in dir: :\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004\SDK\, then you missed the BizTalk 2004 SDK referesh (update) @,


Monday, June 19, 2006

You cannot use a pass-Thru pipeline to receive XML messages

This was annoying trying to figure it out,
Check this MS BizTalk KB article:


Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Microsoft Connected Services Framework (CSF)

The Microsoft Connected Services Framework:

I've been reading and investigating about the Microsoft CSF lately, it was a delightful experience. Microsoft brings more intelligence characteristics into the realm of EAI and BPA dedicated to the telecommunications industry.


CSF is a framework (a set of guidelines, principles, tools, and supporting applications) that aids in the management of a highly dynamic services-based environment (i.e telcos). built upon the paradigm of SOA and implemented by the means of industry standard web services (SOAP, UDDI, XML). CSF is a framework that will enable telocs to stay competitive and bring the best of highly customized services to their customer base.

CSF utilizes the .NET framework as the development platform, along with many Microsoft products that proved creative, reliable and cost effective in the field of SOA, such as Microsoft BizTalk Server, .NET XML web services, and the WS-* specifications.

What CSF will provide:

  • Redefine the way business processes are executed in a telco environment (cut costs, bring effective and efficient management of resources, technical and human).

  • Add intelligence to the services provided to a subscriber (customizable services based on the customer prefernces).

  • Unleash and maintain the list of services available from OSS/BSS and build upon them to get the user an agile high-end service (build aggregated services from the available basic/leaf services that are available).

  • Develop, deploy, and integrate any new added service easily to the telco environment.

  • Seamlessly let information and networking services flow across the organization by not only integrating application services, but also networking and pure telecommunication services.

  • A basic structure of a Telco-specific technical environment that is aligned to the business objectives of the organization, as identified in the TeleManagement Forum’s eTOM standards definition.

Required expertise:

• Microsoft .NET Development
• Advanced Web Services
• Web Service Enhancements (WSE)
• Available Microsoft Online Documentation
• Web Service Basics
• Advanced Web Services

Recommended Experience:

• Microsoft BizTalk Server
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)
• Active Directory® directory service
• Security Terminology


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What is ?


While working with Microsoft BizTalk Server , you will encounter a vast number of IT technical terms that you may, or may not be familiar with. To get a brief of any technical term you wonder about, I recommend What Is?. A encyclopedia of IT terms.



BizTalk Server 2006 Presentation


Technology specialist Ihsan Anabtawi from Microsoft East Med, Highlights the main features of BTS 2006
in a dazzling presentation at

Enjoy it (Disfruta) !