
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Error creating a Data Source from the Planning Administration Console

Hi and welcome to another post from Non-Stop BizTalk!

I was trying to create a Data Source to AdventureWorksDW in the Planning Administration Console, PerformancePoint Server 2007. Got the following error message: You do not have the required permissions to connect to the specified database (Error code: PerformancePoint_225000183) Connection to database AdventureWorksDW on server local failed. This was caused by collaction settings in SQL Server 2005 for this database. The complete description of the problem problem and the solution are available here.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Would ARR help solve my problem?

Hello and welcome to another post from Non-Stop BizTalk!

Posted the following in the official IIS forum:


I have the following scenario:

I have 3 VLANs, or say 3 network segments. VLAN1 is the clients segment; VLAN2 has SharePoint Server, with a website that utilizes the PageViewer web part. This PageViewer is used to display websites hosted on Servers at VLAN3 (applications segment). Users from VLAN1 are prohibited to access the applications at VLAN3 directly; they have to do it via SharePoint's PageViewer); so when a users browses an application from the pageViewer at SharePoint he gets an access denied message for the contents in the viewer (since the PageViewer is merely an iFrame control -- URL holder). I am wondering if I can user the ARR module from IIS 7.0 to route the requests from VLAN1 to VLAN3 as if they were initiated from VLAN2 (SharePoint)..

Appreciating your help,


And got the following reply:

Sure, if you install ARR on machine which has 2 nics, one on vlan1 and the other on vlan3, it could accept requests for pages you want to allow from vlan1 and forward them to vlan3 - you would also need to update the links on your sharepoint pageviewer (or your dns entries in vlan1) to point to the ARR server. Note that while you can configure ARR to be an http forward proxy, you cannot use it as an https forward proxy.

Anil Ruia
Senior Software Design Engineer
IIS Core Server

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lenovo ThinkPad R500 shuts down unexpectedly

Hello and welcome to another post from Non-Stop Biztalk,

Got a brand new Lenovo ThinkPad R500 a couple of days ago. The laptop, equipped with Microsoft Windows XP SP3 kept shutting down unexpectedly. Apparently, this problem was caused by one of the windows services. First, I adjusted the recovery settings on each of the following services to be on failure, Restart the Service: for RPC, DCOM Server Process Launcher, COM+ System Application and COM+ Event System. The problem disappeared and a couple of days later on it came back to strike once again. Afterward, I applied the fix provided in this post. Now, it seems that everything is working properly.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Confront the Brutal Facts

Check out: Good To Great and James Stockdale

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Microsoft and BPM: A Technology Overview - Whitepaper

A very useful whitepaper by Chappell & Associates, available here


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Invalid class string (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401F3 (CO_E_CLASSSTRING))

Hi and welcome to another post from Non-Stop BizTalk!

Had a virus or a trojan a couple of days ago on my Windows Server 2003 test machine. After I performed a scan-clean procedure, I luanched BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) to work with the Adventure Works Cube Project sample. When I tried to browse the Adventure Works.cube, the browser failed to load and the exception Invalid class string 
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401F3 (CO_E_CLASSSTRING)) was thrown.
I followed the steps available here, which is re-installing the 
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components, and this solved my problem.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Foundations of SQL Server for Business Intelligence

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Failed to load application [DBName] due to incompatible versions. Please upgrade the application to version 3.0.3917.0.


When you apply SP1 for PerformancePoint Server 2007 you need to upgrade your application databases, for them to work properly with the upgrade, or otherwise, you will keep getting the error message in the event viewer "Failed to load application [DBName] due to incompatible versions. Please upgrade the application to version 3.0.3917.0." and the applications created prior to the upgrade won't show up in the Planning Admin. Console. To upgrade the application databses run the Planning Server Configuration Wizard, then select Upgrade Databases in the step Add/Remove Services as the following screenshot ilustrates:

In the next step "Upgrade Databases" select Upgrade Application Databases and proceed with the configuration procedure.

I hope this was useful!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Planning Business Modeler: You cannot access this server because you don't have the appropriate permission

Hi again and welcome to another post from Non-Stop BizTalk,

When you try to login to your Planning Server from the Planning Business Modeler you receive the error message "You cannot access this server because you dont have the appropriate permission". Dont panic! Even if you're a Global Admin on your planning server, you have to be granted a User Admin role on one of the planning apps in your server in order to be able to login to it. This MS KB article has more info on this error message:

Happy PPS,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PerformancePoint Server 2007